Review B » Techniques To Work On Lures Effectively

Techniques To Work On Lures Effectively

The majority of the lures on the market already have a built-in swimming action. But some lures have no action when just retrieved in straight.

When this happens, it is very frustrating because the price of the lure is not cheap.

You should know that some lures are created with a specific purpose.

For Example, a Fast Sinking Lure is Very Effective. When Working With the Jerking. Technique, but Its Action Seems ‘dead’ if We Only Give It a Damn Straight Retrieve.

Therefore, We Have to Determine. The Suitable Technique for Each Lure. Then Here Comes the Time When the Understanding. Of How Lures Work Seems Essential to Us.

This article will describe some of the step-by-step methods you can use to make the lures become your ‘killing weapon.’

The straight retrieve is the universal method used by anglers around the world

This method is concise and a great start in any fishing Phone Number List session to detect active fish.

If the fish are active or in a feeding frenzy, they will attack the visible lures and looks like escaping prey.

This is where it is essential to know about the diet of our target fish.

Choosing lures similar to their diet, such as mullet, shrimp, and so on, is the key to success.

Slow Rolling
slow rolling techniques
If you are dealing with situations that are suitable for this technique, you can catch fish easily.

I always apply this method to fish that like to ambush their prey.

One important thing you need to remember is the nature of the game for predators

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Most predatory fish prefer easy work, like humans too.

This can be explained by the relationship between the use EU Email List of energy and the energy that will be obtained.

If more energy is needed to obtain the food than the energy gained, the fish, especially large fish, will not take their prey seriously.

Predatory fish rarely attack small fish that have already detected their presence or small fish that maintain a certain distance from predators.

Hunting in natural habitats is not easy; the chances of losing their prey are high and waste a lot of energy.

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