Review B » I hope I swer but maybe

I hope I swer but maybe

Just option if you wt to make your page unique then you c add variable year date photo number to title. Then you’ll have unique pages but that doesn’t protect you from cnibalization.  I misunderstood the question we c discuss in the comments. Vasily Chikto ask Chg the theme of online store After chg the theme of online store from one product type to other, the pages that were not on the website did not disappear from the index for six months.

For example you c check via or y other

These pages are return. When you use the removal tool they disappear for a few days d then reappear in Search Console with a status of Removal Expir. No matter how New Zealand Telegram Data ne to get them exclud from the index Vasily I have a few questions. How my pages is it really necessary to be so concern about this issue.

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These pages c also be reach via external links.

If this issue still bothers you then you ne to make sure that the pages are really given response because sometimes you see the page but the server responds with someth Croatia Telegram Number List else instead. tool. If the bot is repeatly add pages to the index then you ne to figure out how it knows if there are links to those pages within their site d if so you ne to remove them.  One option is to rirect from a page that doesn’t exist to a category page or home page. This will allow weight to be pass on d will most likely have the effect of prevent these pages from be return to the index.

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