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What is the role of the leader in people management ?

Gone are the days when attracting, developing and retaining talent was exclusive to the human resources sector . 

Currently, organizations that wish to maintain their qatar mobile database competitive advantage have the practice of involving the leader more in people management, as they are the ones who can best combine this axis with business goals and strategies.

More than that, leaders must also be able to perceive the factors that impact the formation of high- performance teams , including processes such as recruitment , training and human development. 

Furthermore, leadership positions also need to understand indicators and methodologies, such as coaching , which can contribute to efficient learning of corporate knowledge, without losing sight of the need to create an organizational climate of well-being, dynamic and innovative.

High-performance teams cannot be formed without organizational leadership with this profile. Change begins with the leader himself, by enhancing the various keyword stuffing: abuse of keywords aspects of his professional skills and becoming a high- performance leader .

It is from this awareness that many people seek a high- performance team management course or specialized consultancy.

But why does a high- performance team management course make a difference?

Society, in general, has undergone profound transformation in recent decades. We are a different type of consumer, a different type of professional and we have business sale lead much more complex demands than before the explosion of the internet and technology .

In this scenario, markets have also become more complex, with dynamic processes that require expertise and increasingly accelerated evolution of managers and teams.

Companies are made up of people and, in this field, success is proportional to the ability that leaders and teams have to respond with maximum quality and efficiency to the challenges that arise for their business. 

Thus, the capacity for innovation in organizational management, results-oriented and data -driven intelligence, and the creation of an organizational culture of excellence that considers the human component to be part of it are knowledge that a high- performance team management course addresses and adds mastery to students.

Today’s leader needs to understand that teams are riches in organizations; therefore, training to transform people into talents through systemic actions focused on corporate education is a necessary action of the competitive strategy .

Discover IPOG’s MBA in Business Management, Innovation and Competitive Strategy

Thinking about the needs of entrepreneurs , executives and leaders in general, IPOG – Postgraduate and Undergraduate Institute – developed an exclusive MBA to train professionals to develop central aspects of business management .

This MBA is an excellent choice for those looking for a course in managing high- performance teams , as it has specific modules covering the most modern developments in people management and training high- performance teams , aligned with current market demands.

There are 10 sequential modules of 40 hours each, with an integrated approach to leverage your skills as a strategic leader and with a focus on innovation .

Through this training, the student becomes qualified to:

  • become a high- performance type of organizational leadership ;
  • develop competitive business strategies in depth;
  • develop projects and processes with a focus on innovation and results;
  • offer training, management consultancy and even courses in managing high- performance teams .

Differentiators of this postgraduate course

The Distance Learning MBA in Business Management, Innovation and Competitive Strategy has face-to-face meeting centers in more than 40 cities spread across the five regions of Brazil.

In addition, the person who opts for this training will have at their disposal:

  • interaction with the tutoring team and other students in the class via WhatsApp, email, AVA and telephone;
  • individualized and personalized service;
  • professors with academic training at master’s and doctoral level, in addition to market experience;
  • specialized tutoring for monitoring;
  • teaching material consisting of interactive e-book and video classes. 


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