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Now here is a list of broken pages

Today, a lot of link building is PR, content creation, and promotion. I won’t discuss this issue in this post, but I will provide links to some toolkits below to help you solve this problem.

We’ll look at the steps you can take to track and build your authority.

Check for leaks.
There’s no point grabbing magic dust if your pockets Now here is a list of broken pages  are already empty.

Find and plug any holes quickly and intelligently. Link Explorer has a convenient tab dedicated to this task. Click on Popular Pages in Links and filter by status code.


sorted by page authority and containing links c level contact list  within them. A downed page on your site doesn’t lose value – not to mention it degrades the user experience. You can prioritize pages with the highest number of PAs and linking domains.

Internal link Now here is a

I said before that you can’t build any links yourself. But, as with all things in SEO, there’s a caveat: in this case, links from within your own site are key not only to your site’s usability, but also to convey fairness. Internal linking is primarily for user experience, but it also helps robots browse your site for good indexing.

Don’t cram too many links on the page

Your homepage and other top-level pages likely have the strongest authority, as other sites do in many cases.

You want high equity pages to link to other pages in a natural way like a pyramid structure. In the rush to provide equity, don’t forget about the user; do visitors want to go directly from your homepage to some random depth page on your site? Will this help them on their journey?

On-demand crawling in Moz Pro helps you find out if your page has too many links.

You also shouldn’t overuse keyword

A -rich anchor text. Again, think about the user, not the game  Now here is a list of broken pages search engine. It’s unlikely that your site will be penalized, but it’s usually ineffective and not a good use of your time.

It doesn’t really help if you collect a lot of if you’re a b2b brand in the creative  copy to get keyword-rich anchor text, so you might find a weird link at the dinner party.

To pay attention or not to Now here is a  pay attention?

There are two types of links: follow and no-follow. Typically, you want your internal links to be “watched.” However, depending on your website’s china phone numbers  setup, there are good reasons not to follow internal links. The bot will follow the links one by one until you are told to take the journey of your choice and increase your benefits, which is exactly what you want.

You can use MozBar to check if there are follow and no follow links on your page.

You can mark Nofollow

A  links on your own site on a link-by-link basis, or designate entire pages on your site as nofollow. Let’s find the “Meta-robots Nofollow” column in the CSV you scraped and filter by TRUE to see if you want to mark these pages as nofollow.