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Learn how to download Instagram images from computers and mobile devices

But then, what if I still want to  review an Instagram post , can’t I do it after this time has expired?

If you try to do this, you will see that Instagram does not give the option to save or copy the posts.

However, in this post you will be able to learn how to download Instagram images, stories and videos

easily and at no cost. Happy reading!

How to download Instagram images in your browser

Although we will usually use an application malaysia telegram data to perform the download, there is

a very simple way to do it directly from your browser.

To do this, you need to log into the profile of the user who has uploaded the photo you want to

download, find it, and click on the image to open it. You’ll notice that if you right-click on the image,

you still won’t be able to copy or save it.

If you look at the navigation bar, you’ll see that at the end of the link it says ” ? “

. We’ll select this part of the text and delete it all, from the question mark onwards.

So, we’ll replace the nulled text with the following: ” media/?size=l “. The last letter, which follows

the equals, is a  lowercase L .

Then, we will press  Enter  on the link, which will take us to the photo in original size and that’s it!

You can now download the image! Just right-click on the photo and choose between the options

” copy image ” or ” save image as “.

Now that you have learned how to download Instagram images from your browser, let’s look at the

apps you can use to  download photos and videos on your mobile .

How to download images on iOS and Android

The two most widely used operating systems best free portfolio websites for photographers for smartphones today are: iOS (Apple) and Android (Google).

If you have an iPhone or iPad, which uses an iOS system, the best application available for you to download photos and videos, yours or other users’, for free and safely, is  Instagrab . Once you have installed it, it is very simple to use.

You access your user account. Then, you look for the profile of the user from whom you want to download the image or video.

You select what you want to download and then just  click on the corresponding arrow icon  .

The content will be saved in the downloads folder, also in your camera roll, and you can access it whenever you want.

For Android systems, you need to use another app, called  Instasaver . There are two ways to download Instagram images and videos with this app.

The first is through an  autosave function . Once activated, it allows you to save content by pressing  copy URL , without having to paste.

The other option is  to copy the desired link of the Instagram video or image  and paste it into the text box offered by Instasaver. The latter is a manual process.

Now that we’ve learned how to download Instagram images and videos, how about finding out how to download stories as well and watch them whenever you feel like it?

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Instagram Stories: Download the images you like to your mobile device

Just as there are different applications for saudi phone number downloading photos and videos from Instagram, depending on the operating system used by each user, the same occurs for downloading stories.

For the Android system, we will use the  Story Saver for Instagram application , which you can download for free from  Google Play .

After downloading, you need to sign up using your Instagram credentials.

The app will show us all the users with  active stories  at that moment. So, all we have to do is select the user whose story we are interested in.

On the next screen you will see all the stories of this person. By tapping on the story you want to download to have it on your phone, you will have to choose between one of 3 options:


Here, what you do is repost the selected story on your own Instagram. This is not a recommended option, it is not okay to steal other people’s posts!


This is the most recommended option, through which you can save the selected story on your phone, in the form of a video, and access it at any time.


With Share you can download the video to your phone, and you can also share it from WhatsApp, emails and others.

At this point, Story Saver asks you for some permissions, which you will have to accept in order for the downloads to be made.

For the iOS system, we will use  Story Repost . It works in a similar way to Story Saver. There are other applications that are used for the same purpose.

Use downloaded content consciously

It is worth remembering that content downloaded from other users’ profiles must be used correctly.

Also, don’t upload content that isn’t yours as if it were yours, especially for commercial purposes. If you do use third-party content,  credit  the original author.

By being responsible, you do not cause harm to other users and you enjoy the benefit of being able to access images, photos and stories, yours and those of other Instagram users, whenever you want.

Instagram is a very broad tool. Apart from being used by public figures and ordinary people, it is an excellent instrument for  entrepreneurs .

If you are interested in learning more about Instagram and how to generate business on the social network, download our  E-book right now , completely free of charge, and start creating solid marketing strategies using it.

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