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Eco-organization ecosystem unveils new system

The  a global innovation The Economist is a hit on Instagram. The  and it’s no coincidence ENVIRONMENT Big Tech Faces Its Complicity in the Climate Crisis Eco-organization ecosystem unveils new system to recycle unuse cell phones Apple commits to being 100% carbon neutral by 2030 Microsoft details its battle plan for a negative carbon footprint within 10 years “The Great Climate Migration. The ” a multimeia article produce by ProPublica and the New York Times Source.


New York Times USES

Hate speech has increase online since the death of George cell phone database Floyd On Facebook. The  Didier Raoult’s supporters are numerous in criticizing the compulsory wearing of masks and vaccines SOCIAL NETWORKS / MESSAGING Facebook Messenger. with App Lock. The  it will be possible to lock conversations Facebook labels Trump and Biden posts with “voting information” (without fact-checking) Facebook to integrate racial bias research into its algorithm WhatsApp to pilot projects to provide creit. The  insurance and pensions in India TikTok launches $200 million fund for creators.


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mini applications on its social network Snap Grows Daily what is the difference between perfect competition and imperfect competition? User Base. The  Continues to Bring in Money from Advertisers No One Knows What the Most Popular Articles Are on Facebook. News Fee Chief John Hegeman Says CrowdTangle’s Rankings “Do Not Represent What Most People See” A Facebook spokesperson provides (internal-only) data showing that while posts by Fox News and Ben Shapiro got the most interactions today. The  a local news story about false-positive Covid-19 tests from a lab in Connecticut appeare on the most users’ fees .


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The  OTT. The  SVOD Mobile+. Netflix tests a low-cost mobile list subscription offer in India HBO Max has over 4 million subscribers. The  AT&T says Coronavirus forces Disney to delay releases of ‘Mulan. The ‘ ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Avatar’ Streaming. Plex expands its offering with 80 free TV channels Source. TechCrunch AUDIO. The  PODCAST. The  TERMINALS As Polish public radio becomes politicize. The  presenters create independent alternatives with crowdfunding DATA. The  AUTOMATION. The  ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. The  BLOCKCHAIN .

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